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American Idol Experience

Don’t let doubt drown your gift

Traffic was sparse on the interstate last Saturday. The sun was only halfway up and my son rode shotgun, strumming his ukulele. We were making good time. My heart raced. “You know, son, I may just sit this one out,” I murmured, half under my breath. “What? No dad, you can’t. This may be our […]

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Printer Friends HP cartridges

Why We Need Each Other

What happened to me today goes beyond coincidence. I can’t claim to calculate the mathematical odds of such a thing happening, yet happen it did. At first, it will seem a small thing, a minor nuisance, a daily irritation like so many we all face. This morning, I stood toe to toe with our collective […]

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Top 10 Traits of Great Leaders

What makes a great leader? Is it a way with words or courage under fire? Is it a strong hand and a soft heart? Is it a formidable stance or an indomitable will? All these things matter, of course. But I suggest that great leadership comes from within. I believe it’s forged in humility and […]

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Better a Weary Warrior

“It’ll never work.” “What is he even thinking?” “Why does she bother?” I don’t mind criticism. When it comes from those with personal experience and noble intentions, it can reveal the path from mediocrity toward greatness. But I can’t fathom the “criticism” industry. But I’ve never understood why we allow those who don’t create to […]

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Top Tweets of 2011

For many of us, this past year was a time of transitions and triumphs, of mountains climbed and summits reached. I know for me, one of the greatest sources of daily encouragement was the pure stream of wisdom I received on Twitter. So many wise advisors gave their time and their words to inspire and […]

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May the True “You” Shine Through

Two-Faced. Double-Dealing. Duplicitous. These are the terms we have for people who say one thing when they are around us and another when we’re gone. It’s an age-old complaint: Universally deplored. Why, then, have so many business learned to not only tolerate this behavior but to actually encourage it? There is an invisible line between […]

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6 Ways to “Be The One” in 2011

The shriek shatters your daydream, causing your fists to clench. You spin, seeking the sound’s source. There, just 100 yards away, a helpless person is in danger! You’ll help, right? You’ll at least GET help, right? Of course you will … Right? Apparently, it’s not that simple. The answer shouldn’t depend on how many other […]

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The Age of Accountability

Mark Twain once quipped, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” And for so long, this was so. But something is underway, a great shift toward truth or consequences. Technology has transformed the times. Access to instant information has pulled back the curtain on the […]

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Bring your WHOLE self to Work?

With the rise of social sharing, we’ve seen a new emphasis on personality and authenticity. There is a dialog underway about whether or not traditional “corporate speak” truly build an engaged social community. Can formality drive passionate brand advocacy? Have your say!

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The Subtleties of Success

Originally guest-blogged 9/20/2010 on Get Your Leadership Big On, the home site of my amazing friend Jane Perdue, aka The HR Goddess. In rare cases, a concept can be more easily defined by describing what it ISN’T, rather than what it is. For example, many Physicists describe “darkness” as “the absence of light.” The Physics […]

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